Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Fast Food - The fast track to weight gain

McDonald's. Burger King. Taco Bell. Pizza Hut. Quizno's. Subway. Arby's. The list could go on and on. Fast food restaurants are easy to find, relatively inexpensive and convenient, not to mention fast. Eating out can be a huge temptation and a huge belt buster.

Most people end up eating out because they are pressed for time, don't take time to plan ahead, or are too tired to cook. But because you have no control over how your food is made, you can end up taking in way more calories than you otherwise would. Or, you end up eating high-fat, fried and greasy foods because those are the items most commonly offered. While completely avoiding fast food and eating out is often not an option, you can reduce the amount of times a week you eat out as well as the amount of calories you ingest with a few of the tips below.

1. Most fast food places offer additional options for sides, other than french fries and onion rings. Ask if they have apples, applesauce, yogurt, raisins, or a side salad for options.

2. Choose Subway or another sandwich shop that offers wheat breads and plenty of vegetables.

3. Pack your lunch for work. Most sandwiches will be fine from the time you get to work until lunch time without being refridgerated.

4. Do you have a microwave and a fridge in your office? Make a little extra for dinner the night before and take the leftovers to work for lunch.

5. Make a weekly meal plan and make a grocery list with items to cook the meals.

6. Try to limit eating out to one lunch and one dinner during the week.

7. When you go to sit-down restaurants, choose items that aren't fried or breaded and ask for dressings and sauces on the side.

These small changes can not only save you calories, but money. There are plenty of places to find quick meal recipes. Do a quick internet search for "30 minute meals" and you will find tons of recipes, including shopping lists, that are quick, easy and healthy.

I apologize for not getting a blog posted last week. As soon as I hear from most people on points for this week, I will post a leaderboard. We have less than three weeks left!

"You can do anything, but you have to want to. Change comes form within."


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