Sunday, December 25, 2011

Happy New Year

Working in a gym this time of year all I hear about is "New Year Resolutions". Most of these resolutions involve weight loss, healthy eating habits, or hitting the gym more often. So often though, these resolutions fail because of pressure, lack of planning, or lack of commitment.

Many of you may have written down a resolution or two already or you may plan on doing so soon. I think specific goals are important to success and I believe change is necessary for growth. So how can you be successful with your 2012 resolutions? My suggestion? Set SMART goals.

Specific - "I want to lose weight," is a very general goal. Set a specific goal, such as I want to lose X pounds by May 1. Or, I want to walk for 20 minutes three times a week.

Measurable - Make sure you can measure your progress towards your goal. Just saying "I want to eat better," doesn't have any outcome. What does better mean? Try setting a goal of eating a salad for three meals a week or giving up fried food.

Attainable - The likelihood of you completely overhauling your lifestyle and being able to stick with it is slim. Choose a series of small goals and work up to your major goal. Do you want to be in the gym six days a week? Start by going twice a week, then add a day after you master that. Just make sure your goals are doable for you and your life right now. They should be challenging without feeling like a burden.

Realistic - Don't compare yourself to everyone else. When it comes to health and wellness, each individual is different. Set goals that are realistic for your lifestyle. Do you hate mornings? Don't set a goal to workout five mornings a week before work. Instead, work out over lunch or after work. Will a gym membership strap you for cash? Choose to do in-home work outs instead.

Timely - Always set goals with a specific time frame in mind, say it out loud, mark it on a calendar, and commit to it. Make sure you set a long term goal, but always have a short term goal (at least within three months) as well.

Setting SMART goals will help you be more successful in achieving results. In my opinion, you are better off choosing to make a lifestyle change at an "off" time. For example, don't put so much pressure on January 1st just because it sounds good. You can make a lifestyle change any day of the month, week or year. I suggest choosing a random day so that you don't feel the pressure of next month, next Monday, or next year.

I am proud of the accomplishments so many of you have achieved so far in this challenge. We have five weeks left of the challenge. Let's all start 2012 off right!

Happy 2012!!!

"The only person who can tell you that you can't is you."


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