Sunday, December 18, 2011

Baby, It's Cold Outside

As I am writing this, it is 55 degrees out in Kansas City, not exactly a cold day.  But, I think that most, if not all of us, know that 30, 20, 10 and even single digit highs are approaching. Winter weather, snow and all, is headed our way.

A decrease in motivation typically comes with the winter months. It is easy to stay in bed under the covers and skip the morning run or your morning cycling class. Going to the gym often takes a back seat when you have to bundle up and warm up the car to get there. How can you fight the excuses to skip your workout? How can you get a workout in without braving the cold? Check out the tips below.

1. Buy a $10 workout DVD. There are tons of options out there. Some of my favorites are Billy Blanks Cardio Inferno, Pilates, Yoga Conditioning, Walk Away the Pounds and Dance Cardio. There are all types of DVDs out there that you can do in your own living room.

2. Buddy up! Have a workout partner that is meeting you at the gym. That way, when you wake up and don't feel like going, you won't be just disappointing yourself.

3. Go for a run in the afternoon, when it is typically the warmest part of the day.

4. Get yourself a few dumbbells (10, 12, or 15lbs) and do a strength routine at home (ask me and I'll send you a simple routine).

5. Some cable companies have a Fit channel where you can actively participate in aerobic type workouts from home.

There are a lot of ways to exercise without leaving your house. The hard part for many is being motivated enough to exercise when there are a hundred other things you could be doing. This challenge is the perfect time to adopt a healthy behavior and let the challenge be your reason to get those 30 minutes of cardio in. If all else fails and you are finding yourself struggling to get your exercise in, you can always reach out to me and I will help you work through your barriers.


"Even if you stumble, you are still moving forward."


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