Sunday, December 4, 2011

I LOVE Christmas Cookies

It's true. I love Christmas cookies. You know the kind of pre-made cookies you get in the store with the Christmas trees and bells and Santas on them? I can't get enough of them. Normally, I don't even like plain sugar cookies, but these ones get me every year. 

When I started asking people to do this challenge, the most common response was "During the holidays??" I know for many of you, you were thinking of all the holiday treats. Pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving, fudge at Christmas, cookies, snickerdoodles, candy canes, and all those traditional holiday treats your moms and grandmas make at Christmas time ran through everyone's heads. How could you possibly do a health challenge with all of these options around? 

For many, holiday weight gain can be attributed to all of the sweet treats available everywhere you look. This is one of those things I struggle the most with. Here are my tips for keeping your sweet intake in check during the holidays.

1. It sounds silly, but remind yourself that these treats aren't going anywhere. They will be there for you to enjoy for years to come! Have one and enjoy it slowly.
2. Find ways to make your favorite treats with less calories, fat, and sugar. Substitute applesauce for butter and use half wheat/half white flour. There are tips you can find by searching the internet (look for substitutes for the specific ingredient). 
3. Keep sweets and treats in a cupboard. If you don't see them every time you walk by the kitchen, you may be less likely to eat as much.
4. When you are craving a sweet or want to have that second piece of pie for dessert, walk away for 30 minutes. If you are still want the treat after that, then allow yourself to have it. 
5. Don't assume that if you "mess up" once, your healthy eating lifestyle is shot. Having a day where you eat 5 cookies shouldn't derail your healthy eating plans for an entire week. Just do better the next day.

I operate on the 90/10 rule. I try to eat 90% healthy foods, and let myself eat whatever I want for the other 10%. Life is all about balance. Treating yourself to foods you enjoy is part of that balance. Just remember, it should be  a treat and not part of your daily diet.

Sugar, like many things, can be addicting. As you cut sweets out of your daily diet, you will notice that you crave them less. Willpower is something you CAN gain. 

"Willpower is essential to the accomplishment of anything worthwhile." - Brian Tracy


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